A broken-down train couldn't even stave off the inevitable: a return to the office. This year and next I'm a postdoc and the particularities of my contract are such that I'm expected to keep pretty regular hours in the office. While I imagined that this arrangement might have suited me just fine, I struggle with it most of the time. I am, of course, more productive because of it -- how could you not be? -- but when it comes to thinking through new ideas, well, I just never do it that well at a desk. I like to walk and think. In graduate school, I did most of my thinking out in the woods with Arlo. Now I stare in the silence of my library office and try to rack my dull brain. I guess that I shouldn't complain.
At least today I get to think about my course for the Spring term. It's on American women's life-writing (mostly autobiographies, some letters, a couple journals, a graphic memoir, a handful of blogs, anything really). Yesterday I read a couple spirtual autobiographies from the late 18th century, and while I feel like I need to include at least one on the syllabus, I really have no idea what to say about them. I never know how to read revelation, especially when it's reported as literal, tangible fact. I feel compelled by such conviction but at sea when it comes to talking about it. Anyone know any texts that I simply have to include?
Sprout update: I laid off the brussel sprouts last night in favor of roasted beets. Ahh, the perfect pleasure of a sweet beet soaked in lemon and olive oil. Too bad the camera batteries died.
have never actually gotten through pilgrim at tinker creek but might be worth looking at. certainly spiritual.
Allison Bechtel's FUN HOME. Woolf would, of course, be marvelous, but alas she's a Brit. More soon.... x
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