7:53 am (or 7:56 if temptation was too much to bear): walk through rittenhouse square and forget for ninety seconds that it's 7:53 am. breathe.

7:59 am: move swiftly past signs of urban hustle. think briefly of The Quaker City and wonder what's really going on behind closed doors.

8:01 am: take a last glimpse of philadelphia's architecture.

8:02 am: ride an escalator! what fun.

8:04 am: curse myself for failing to check just how late the trains are running. recognize that i could have slept for 6 extra minutes. yawn.

8:13 am: join other working stiff on the R5.

8:16 am: appreciate the bucolic views.

8:48 am: arrive in a neo-gothic winter wonderland.

8:53 am: slow down, note the architectural charm.

8:54 am: remember that i don't work in such a charming building.

8:55 am: at all.

8:59 am: face reality for another day. and yes, that's President Taft's daughter who is on my reading list for today.

9:23 am: somebody, anybody commutes with me here?
I love this!
Commuting = no fun.
Writing about commuting = very funny!
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