Monday, June 3, 2013

The light

This guy finally graduated to the big leagues: the 8-hour sleep. I guess there really is something to the 12lb. mark. Now I just need to figure out what to do with the engorged boulders on my chest at 3 am. It seems a shame to pump in the middle of what could be uninterrupted sleep. I guess this is a chance to build my freezer stash for daycare. 


Maura said...

or just give it a couple days. your body will adjust. congrats on the sleep!!! A colleague says 12lbs. is magic. Love that truck outfit and the little man wearing it. I will try my best not to post on your next entry! Sorry! He's just so cute!

Anonymous said...

Go Auggie! Nice teamwork, you guys.

Anonymous said...

Go Auggie! Nice teamwork, you guys.

anne said...

Are you kidding Maura, I need your comments!

sarah said...

the boobs will level off... but if you want to pump because it's super uncomfortable then just pump until you feel some relief and that should do the trick. within a few days or a week you will be on his schedule. or pump the crap out of them and hoard!!! but it's hard to argue with a long stretch of sleep...