Tuesday, June 11, 2013

More objects, fewer relations

Today I put a bigger object in Aug's hands to see if he could handle it. It was a rousing success, but I realized that he still doesn't understand that he can control whatever he holds. So he kept this crazy toy in his grasp for ten minutes, but he never seemed particularly aware of it, which is weird because he kept bonking his forehead. Silly man. On the other hand, he has started intentionally putting fingers in his mouth, which I'm hoping is a step forward toward self-soothing. Right now he's a major comfort nurser and while that's okay for the moment, I don't have a wet nurse lined up for when I go back to work. Maybe my dreams will be answered and a live-in nanny with wet nursing capabilities will magically show up between now and August 15th. Anyone interested in the job?

1 comment:

Maura said...

I am in love with him. His hair and facial expressions are the best.