I need your help again. I picked up my wedding invitations this afternoon. I admit that I hoped--dreamed really--that there was going to be some strange ordering fluke and they'd just happen to come back letter-pressed. They didn't. I'll get over it. They're fresh and crisp, just what I ordered. But here's my dilemma. I'm not sure how to address the envelops. I'm committed to doing it myself (I think...) and making it look decent, even though I also had dreams of having her calligraphy them all. So the above are the options. I admit that Emily Smith does not, in fact, exist. At least not this Emily Smith. She's just my sample gal. So what do you think? Can I pull it off? Which style? Is it all going to be hopelessly tacky? And if you're more daring: how is it that a perfectly sane person (okay, that's a little stretch) can become bent out of shape over her mailing addresses? Don't even get me started on the lack of good stamp options...
This is silly. Your natural handwriting is lovely. Just address them, and embrace your handwriting. Or if you can't help yourself, experiment as you go. Trust me, it won't matter to you when you are 1/3 of the way through... and I love a good invitation with good handwriting. But now is not the time to obsess. Aren't you glad I'll be without internet access for a few days so I won't be posting nonstop on your blog?!!
Why would it be tacky? I think you could totally rock it. Of the 6, in general, I like 3 the best, but one may need more information... What is the size of the envelope? What does the invitation look like? (especially the font?)
I like 4, but I also like the simplicity of 1.
For stamps, if you really care (and have money to burn--ha), you can make your own postage with photographs . . .
Why am I telling you this? It is sure to only cause trouble!
I like 1 and 2 best, and I agree with Maura--your handwriting is lovely. As your recent post with the photo of your comments on a student paper reminded me, I've always been jealous of your penmanship.
i like 2.
seriously - with those samples, i would have paid you to address my invitations! i like #3 the best...but they are all lovely. save the $$ a calligrapher would charge you - perhaps you could put it toward your "gladiator" sandals? can't wait to get my beautifully addressed invitation in them mail!
I like 1 and 5 but you can't go wrong because the best part is inside and and in July.
Well, my views on aesthetic matters may not count for much. But I vote 2.
And for stamp options, if I had it to do over again I might print my own photo stamps for the wedding invite. (zazzle.com is the one I've used). Guess that depends on whether you're feeling creative about coming up with a satisfactory photo, though. Zazzle runs sales periodically, and if you time it right you can get them for face value.
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