Last weekend my mom ferried me around town. We met with the bouquet-maker; we “rehearsed” my hair-do; we got pinned at the seamstress; we took measurements at the barn; we celebrated at a perfect shower; we strategized lighting; we took commands from my sister M (who incidentally says that I need to be more “dictatorial.” Hmm.) As we drove around, I felt like I was 12, unable to drive, exhausted by demands, more taciturn than revealing. On Friday morning, we headed out, had a few moments to spare, and to my delight, found ourselves knee-deep in a tag sale. The house was full of treasures, real treasures. Unfortunately, an antiques auction house had priced everything already, so these treasures were priced as such. And so while I didn’t get this ambrotype for a mere song, I adore it nonetheless. I had to pass on five others, but I couldn’t pass on her. I love her golden jewels and her eyes are just haunting enough to make me gasp. I think she’s mid-to-late19th century, though J thinks a bit later.

My other delightful discovery was this baby. In high school, I made skirt patterns for myself by draping newspapers over my hips and penciling rough shapes as quickly as possible. I played fast and loose with seams. I didn’t worry about allowances. I figured it out as I went along. I dreamed about one day having a dress form. J has had one on his “eventual gifts for A” list since he met me. And this one, well, this one was just my size—and also full adjustable—and very sturdy. It could use a new cover, but the pinning pad below is in great shape. At 40 bucks, it was about an eighth of the price of a new one of comparable quality. It will reside temporarily in my mom’s garage, but then it will move in with me for about the next twenty or thirty years. We’re bound to be fast friends.
the dress form is an awesome find, and I love the ambrotype. Her gold jewelry is so cool!
ps. I just wanted to tell you that I am loving all these recent posts.
I WANT HER. I've been looking for just a daguerreotype (like my fb profile pix) forever. She is divine and I am jealous. And seriously send me some more pictures of her - she'd totally fit into the diss...
And I agree with Maura - your back from a break posts have been great!
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