So when I take on a new project I’m often hyper-aware of my speed and the way that my speed affects the outcome. Recently I was getting nervous that I wasn’t going to have something made for J’s sister’s soon-to-arrive baby [perhaps I should pause here and say that I’m painfully aware that this little blog space has recently been taken over by all things baby. Rest assured that it’s a passing phase – though with not one, not two, but three of my facebook friends announcing the births of their children yesterday alone, I’m not so sure…] and so I abandoned what I had been working on to frantically get this on and off the needles:

It’s the ubiquitous Zimmerman surprise jacket. I made it in worsted cotton in hopes that it would be easy to wash and quick to make. It was certainly quick, but I think that’s because I ramped up my speed out of anxiety. As a result, I didn’t love the process. I was just frantically trying to finish it and now of course, there’s not a baby due in sight for the next two weeks. I could have slowed down, been more deliberate (especially with the seaming), and probably enjoyed it a bunch more. I need to remember that: slow down, enjoy the process, breathe. Slow down, enjoy the process, breathe. Slow down, enjoy the process, breathe. Oh no, I guess knitting has once again become a metaphor for life.
1 comment:
I am also efficient married to deliberate. It makes for both high quality work and exasperated moments. :)
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