This jury duty jumper found its way off the needles. I blocked it last weekend, but haven't managed to get it in the mail. The pattern is here. As you can see, I modified it into a pullover. After blocking it, its proportions seem a bit odd. It's rather long for a newborn but seems to be about the right width. Who knows, perhaps I should have increased for girth around the middle?

This Turn a Square cap did get in the mail and hopefully on the head of J, the birthday boy. He's been clamoring for a cap for awhile. I think it might be impossible to photograph a hat without a head, but it's all I got in this commuter marriage.

The Stephen West Little Colonnade was certainly not my favorite knit of the year. I just hated doing the decrease columns. And it seemed totally puny when it came off the needles last week. Here it is in its pre-blocked form. It's on blocking wires right now and it seems to have grown a good deal. I'm going to love wearing it; I just didn't love knitting it.

Finally, the Shalom. I never thought I'd get back to this, but a trip to Arkansas early in the week gave me an excuse. I knew that I'd be totally exhausted on the trip home and unable to look at work. So that exhaustion combined with two cancelled flights and a ten-hour travel day meant that I got Ms. Shalom this far. She needs some selves, of course, and this will happen soon, perhaps on a return visit to Little Rock next weekend with J.

We're deep in the midst of decision making around here. J and I have to decide if we're going to be in Arkansas or Kentucky, at one rural small college or another. All of the choices come with significant sacrifices and we're muscling our way to a decision that can work for both of us. It's a tough time, but I think we're both trying to balance our desires with our hopes for one another. More than anything, we're committed to taking this marriage to (gasp) a shared space. It just remains to be seen where that space may be...
Your shalom is divine. Would love to know the tarn you have used.
Thanks so much! The yarn is the super economical cascade eco+ in summer sky heather. It's bright but it makes me happy.
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