I don't know why you keep forgetting this Anne, but when you can't bear to write a sentence, when there are no thoughts in your head, when you can't stand even the idea of arguing for anything, it's time to turn off the computer. Turn it off. Unplug it. Ignore it. Walk away. It's that damn white screen that's doing it to you.
Now go and find the stack of yellow legal pads. Even the kind with flimsy paper will do. Then dig for your favorite pen, or even choose two. Now it's simple. Just put pen to paper. Don't bother with complete sentences. Don't worry about structure or organization or weak verbs or tentative qualifications. Just scribble. Pretty soon those pretty yellow pages add up and before long, you might just have that talk written. But not if you keep babbling here. Go. Go back to it.
I think I would feel inspired too, if my handwriting were as pretty as yours. Or even legible.
I often resort to childish self-bribery, but even that (e.g., ice cream, etc.) only works occasionally. Then I hit the bottle.
Serendipitously, I am sitting here reading this at 5:45 a.m. with a yellow legal pad in front of me. Trick of the trade for sure.
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