Tuesday, May 7, 2013

six (and a half) weeks

At six, going on seven, weeks, August is:

:: Starting to assert his personality a little bit more, i.e. he wails when wants me and gets very frustrated when his binky falls out.

:: Smiling — though fleetingly and mostly in the middle of the night — when we ham it up for him.

:: Eating with more gusto and less duration. He'll happily take a bottle whenever we offer one, but I'm still trying to figure out the pumping and breastfeeding thing.

:: Enjoying daily walks with me and Homer. We mostly use the ergo carrier for our walks in the morning and the stroller for our evening constitutionals.

:: Wearing his one-size cloth diapers, which makes it super easy to change him and J has finally embraced the cloth. More on cloth diapering to come...

:: Venturing out for errands in the car. We went to Lowe's today and the UPS store (high excitement for Kentucky). We did have to leave Lowe's before we got our phlox (minor meltdown), but otherwise, it was successful.

:: Still sleeping in short bursts at night. We can't seem to make progress on this front. Any advice? Will I ever sleep for more than three hours in a row again?


Maura said...

You will sleep for more than three hours again. I'm not sure when it happens, though. All I remember is that you will feel like you won the lottery when it finally does. He is ADORABLE.

Vivi said...

Is J giving him a bottle every once in a while so you can sleep through a feeding? The baby will figure out the sleeping thing in his own due time, but - lady - you need to get some sleep! And he is the sweetest. :)

sarah said...

he will become more predictable at around 4 months... possibly sooner. but you have a way to go. just roll with it for at least another month. it feels like winning the lottery when it happens... but then your body adjusts and you once again feel completely sleep deprived! ahhh, parenthood.
as for the pumping thing... my experience was to just schedule it. that will give your boobs the chance to get on a schedule. more or less. i think i used to do it once in the afternoon and once at night before i went to bed. twice a day is fine if you are a decent producer and mostly nursing. it will give you the opportunity to hoard milk in the freezer. he is adorable anne, can't wait to meet him!

Sarah C. said...

I pumped during the day whenever Baby A. slept through a feeding. Pumping first thing in the morning also works, since most women generally have more milk in the am. Because baby's mouths are more efficient than electric pumps, you can pump before feeding August and still have enough milk for him. I found that the amount of milk I could get with the pump increased exponentially over time. At first I only got a couple ounces. Kellymom is a great website for bfing and pumping questions.

In terms of sleep, T. Berry Brazelton's Touchpoints 0-3 is hands down my favorite baby book ever. Understanding infants' sleep cycles was key for us.

Sarah C. said...

Er, I meant babies' mouths. That should have been a plural possessive.